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Lodovico Agostini AIMPLAS |
Comunicación técnica panel |
Tipo: Difusión de Proyecto | |
Temática: Desarrollo rural | |
ODS relacionados: Producción y consumo responsables, , , , | |
Documentos asociados: Doc. Panel | |
Resumen: |
Extraer bioactivos y compuestos de alto valor añadido para producir nuevos productos nutracéuticos y cosméticos, a través de la recogida y pretratamiento de subproductos orgánicos de la industria del pescado. Crear una nueva cadena de valor para las cajas de pescado reemplazando el PS por una solución más |
Objetivos: |
To streamline the fishing industry operational flows. Including its industrial side-streams. Establishing a climate-neutral regional reproducible cluster based on the bio/blue/green/circular economy approaches. With a proper focus on valorization of the related waste. For pre-treatment and extraction of bio-active components. And for recycling end of life fishing gear from aquaculture and fisheries. To supply the food, automotive, cosmetic and packaging industries. Providing fertilizers and biodiesel for agricultural applications as well |
Acciones: |
Design, development, and deployment of innova�ve bio-mass pre-treatment and specific extrac�on technologies to enable: sustainable and efficient u�liza�on of Fish Processing Side-streams (FPS) by obtaining bio-ac�ves and gela�n for high value-added food supplements and skin care products, biodegradable, and compostable barrier layer for food packaging; other Fishing and Fish-industry Side-streams (FFS) will be targeted in order to transform their outcomes into fertilizers, biodiesel, components for cosmetic applications, polymer-based automotive constituents, and packaging for cosmetic products. |
Resultados: |
Plastics & Bioplastics circular system development and implementation: Development and validation of bioplastic films from Fishing industry Side Streams; Local upscaling of bioplastic production; Production of plastic barrier biofilm for food packaging retrievement of Poly-Lactic Acid (PLA) beads from agri-side-streams for Eco-FISH-boxes injection molding; EPLA Eco-FISH-boxes production, distribution and recycling; Cleaning and recycling of (Polyamide 6) PA6 derived from fishing and aquaculture nylon nets; Production demo of recycled PLA automotive components products and prove replicability of the recycling process; Compliance assessment of final products obtained by PA6 recycling. |
Este proyecto cuenta con la financiación del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico a través de la convocatoria pública de subvenciones a entidades del Tercer Sector para actividades de interés general consideradas de interés social en materia de investigación